Posted by Gus | 2 Comments
Pacific Coast Air Museum
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to drive by the Pacific Coast Air Museum located by the Santa Rosa Airport, I have been meaning to go there for a while to sketch some of the planes. I figure I would take a couple of pictures so you can see a few of the planes they have there.
I also just found out that this weekend October 18th and October 19th is their Top Gun Weekend, they are going to allow visitors to sit in the cockpit of these planes F-14A Tomcat, F-16N Viper and F-5E Tiger II, now how cool is that.
I hope I can make it to this weekend’s event, most likely I wont time to sketch.. perhaps one of these days we can do a mini SketchCrawl there, so if you live in Sonoma County, Marin County or surrounding areas and want to set a date/time for some Saturday please let me know.
Posted by Gus | 0 Comments
2008 “Wings Over Wine Country” Air Show
For the last couple of years I have been wanting to attend the Wings Over Wine Country air show, and I must report that I missed it once again. The only reminder I had this year was a very very loud airplane noise a couple of days ago, so I went outside the house and wow a very large plane flying over our city, the same large plane that reminded me about the airshow last year — a C17 Airlifter.
When I was a kid I wanted to be a pilot but I was told that since I wore glasses I couldn’t be a pilot and that was the end of that dream. Back in those days a friend and I would spend hours at the airport (whenever we could) looking at the planes land and take off, and bugged my Dad one too many times to take me to the airport to see the Air France Concorde take off.

Air France Concorde taking off
The arrival of the Concorde was also noisy and it would rattle the glass window of my room, I still remember seeing the Concorde fly over the horizon. I also still have two photos somewhere (found them) of the Concorde taken with a 🙂 110 Camera and a set of binoculars… that was a feat in itself (used the binoculars as a telefoto lol), amazing that I still have them after so many years. I will scan them later and post them here.
One of these days I may just go to the Pacific Coast Air Museum and perhaps sketch / take photos of some of the planes so I can bring back with me some of those youthful memories. If you live locally and would like to visit the museum one of these weekends for a mini-SketchCrawl let me know.
Video of Pacific Coast Air Museum
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