Posted by Gus | 0 Comments
Amazing Clouds

During yesterday’s walk (my little dog tagging along) I got to view some amazing clouds. It was as if I was looking at one very large layer of cotton (thought of cotton candy too 🙂 ) covering the sky. My dog typically likes to stop here and there to do his business, and I have to wait for him, and today was the other way around.
It occurred to me that people might be thinking something odd was happening to me, standing right there looking up… turning my head to the left and then to the right and might even wonder what is he looking at? there is nothing to see! lol
I thought about videotaping the clouds, and wondered if that would make them look two dimensional. I think to a non artist, it may seem trivial, to observe nature and really pay attention.
As I was looking up I kept thinking how could I replicate what I see (and feel) in pencil, or watercolor, or even with the program e-on Vue. Thoughts started to flow through my mind… I must really pay attention to the texture, and to the various layers of clouds… and how far are they from me…from the ground, and pay attention to the light.. how it passes through the clouds, can you still see the sky… yeah a little bit over there.
I was really having fun, and my dog didn’t seemed to mind… I guess he must have been lost in his thoughts too.
I didn’t go back for the video camera, but did manage to take some pictures before the magical time disappeared.
The picture below is the first one I took.
Taking a closer look at the picture below, doesn’t it look like there is an upside down spider formed in the picture below top-mid left? or just my imagination.
The one below shows an undulating layer of various layers of clouds.
This last picture was taken by looking straight up.
Many years ago I set to create an image for a magazine cover with a program called Vista Pro, similar to Vue but certainly not as advanced. The image contained clouds, a few trees and a hill, and it was quite the challenge to come up with something that looked ‘real’.
Yesterday reminded me as well of that day, the attempts to try and duplicate what we have before us artistically by various different methods.
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Finally Tombow Mono 100 Pencils
Well life has been pretty busy lately at work so the little time available has been spent doing something else other than sketching for distraction, you ever heard of that game… World of Warcraft? lol
Seriously, I have been trying to locate the Tombow Mono 100 pencils locally and as you read in the previous post, while I did find them one had to purchase the whole set and only one grade. Well, I encountered someone online that lives in Japan that was able to purchase specific grades, so I got a few for my wife and I… they arrived yesterday.
They look very nice! so far I have only used the H grade on my perpetual quest to sketch my long hair chihuhua dog, if he would only stop moving 😉
Hope everything is going well for you outhere. Remember SketchCrawl #22 is just around the corner so hope to see you at the forums and/or around San Francisco next month.
Thank you for your visit.
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